Sister Status

Sister Status Application

For information on what I.A.T.S.E. Local 849 does, the geographic area covered in our jurisdiction, and the departments we represent, please visit our about page.

What is Sister Status? 

A technician who has registered to have Sister Status with Local 849 is a member of another IATSE Local that has expressed interest and has the availability to work within Local 849's jurisdiction. A technician who has Sister Status is not a Member of Local 849, but when we receive requests for daily crew on a film production and cannot fill those requests from within the membership, we turn to Sister Status technicians before turning to Referrals or other Permits.

Please note:
  • Registering for Sister Status is free
  • Registering for Sister Status is not a guarantee of work
  • While there is no residency requirement to register for Sister Status, individual productions may enforce a residency requirement, restricting some technicians from being employed

To register for Sister Status, please complete the application form and e-mail it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. along with the department-specific requirements listed below that pertain to the departments you're applying in, a photo of your membership card, and a Letter of Good Standing from your home local. 

Department Specific Requirements

  • Overview

    Each department has specific requirements in order to be listed. Please select a department from the dropdown list above to view the requirements.

    If you have any questions about the requirements, please e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Animal Wrangler

    The Animal Wrangler Department is responsible for taking care of all animals that appear in front of the camera. They train the animals to perform the tasks required and handle them during the shooting of the scenes that the animals appear in.

    To apply for Sister Status in this department, you must provide the following:
  • Costumes

    The Costume Department is responsible for all clothes worn by the actors and extras in front of the camera. They are responsible for purchasing, renting and/or making all the clothes worn by the performers, both Actors and Background Players, working in consultation with the Director and the Actor. They provide several versions of one outfit if required to expedite shooting and provide clothing to keep performers warm and dry while they are on set rehearsing or waiting to shoot.

    To apply for Sister Status in this department, you must provide the following:
    *Anyone registering to be listed in this department should be prepared to bring the Recommended Kit List when hired
  • Craft Service

    The Craft Service Department provides the nutritional and beverage needs, other than that provided as full meals, of all the production personnel, actors and extras (when specified) on set during the shooting day. Typically, the department will maintain a supply of hot & cold beverages and snack foods at all times on set, and and also substantial snacks to take the crew through to the meal break and wrap.

    To apply for Sister Status in this department, you must provide the following:
  • Diving

    The Diving Department handles all work in and under the water including the safety of all the actors and other personnel working in and under the water and assisting in constructing platforms and rigging in or under the water. Working closely with the Marine Department, divers always work in pairs.

    To apply for Sister Status in this department, you must provide the following:
  • Greens

    The Greens Department are specialists who alter the look of locations with plants, trees and other landscaping materials.

    To apply for Sister Status in this department, you must provide the following:
  • Grip

    The Grip Department works closely with the Lighting Department & Director of Photography to position & move the camera and blocking or diffusing light sources. The department is in charge of providing scaffolding for hanging the lights, add flags & silks to soften lights and create shade. They also provide means for creating high angle, low angle or unusual shots, and dollies & cranes for camera movement. Grips are also responsible for securing the camera in other situations such as on picture vehicles.

    To apply for Sister Status in this department, you must provide the following:
  • Hair

    The Hair Department dress the hair of all performers, both Actors and Background Players, appropriate to their character and in consultation with the Director and the Actor. They also provide and dress wigs and sideburns when required, and aid the Costume Department in the placement of hats.

    To apply for Sister Status in this department, you must provide the following:
    • A completed Sister Status Application Form
    • Updated Resume
    • A Valid WHMIS Certificate
    • Proof of having taken a recognized Set Etiquette Course (If you completed a Set Etiquette Course through IATSE Local 849, AFCOOP or NSCC Screen Arts, we already have a record of that on file.)
    • A photo or scan of your current IATSE membership card
    • A Letter of Good Standing from your current Local Office
    • A valid Hairdressing Licence from one of the three maritime provinces or equivalent. This includes a:
      • Cosmetologist (Hairdressing) Licence from the Nova Scotia Cosmetology Association
      • Licensed Beauty Operator (LBO I) level 1 from the Prince Edward Island Hairdressers Association
      • Hairstyling Licence from the Cosmetology Association of New Brunswick
      • Licences from outside the Maritime Provinces will be reviewed individually by the Department Rep. This licence should be kept current and re-submitted to the Local 849 office annually.
    • Complete an introductory orientation with members of the department to discuss set etiquette, hair protocols, department specifics and a basic review of the individual’s kit (to give recommendations on what is needed to be added if anything).

    *Anyone registering to be listed in this department should be prepared to bring the Recommended Kit List when hired

    Individuals holding a restricted hairdressing license or barbering license are eligible to apply, although in most cases they would need to be working under an HOD that holds a Master License in Hairdressing. Under circumstance should any individual perform any services (cutting and/or chemical services, etc) that are outside the scope of their licence. It is up to the individual to be forthcoming with their type of licence when being considered for a position and prior to working.
  • Lighting

    The Lighting Department works closely with the Grip Department and the Director of Photography to light each scene, as well as managing, supplying and distributing all electrical power to all departments that need it. The department handles all the lights on set, including anything that is attached to the lights. They may work with the Rigging team to build the grid for lights in a studio.

    To apply for Sister Status in this department, you must provide the following:
  • Makeup

    The Makeup Department is responsible for all facial and body makeup, including bruising and wounds, and facial hair on the performers, both Actors and Background Players. They are also responsible for any prosthetics required for special effects. They design the looks in consultation with the Director and the Actor.

    To apply for Sister Status in this department, you must provide the following:
    • A completed Sister Status Application Form
    • Updated Resume
    • A Valid WHMIS Certificate
    • Valid Make-Up Certificate OR provide a portfolio of your work and a 300 word summary of your experience
    • A photo or scan of your current IATSE membership card
    • A Letter of Good Standing from your current Local Office
    • Proof of having taken a recognized Set Etiquette Course (If you completed a Set Etiquette Course through your home local or another organization, please provide a certificate or ask for a waiver)
    *Anyone registering to be listed in this department should make themselves familiar with the Makeup Department Etiquette Guidelines
    *Anyone registering to be listed in this department should be prepared to bring the Recommended Kit List when hired
  • Marine

    The Marine Department is responsible for providing and operating all marine equipment and for ensuring the safety of all marine activities as required by the production. The team generally consists of a Marine Coordinator, and a team of boat wranglers, safety swimmers and other assistants depending on the requirements of the show

    To apply for Sister Status in this department, you must provide the following:
  • Props

    The Props Department handles anything an actor carries or handles. They work closely with the Set Decoration Department providing top dressing on a set if the actor is likely to handle it.

    To apply for Sister Status in this department, you must provide the following:
  • Scenic Paint

    The Scenic Paint Department alters surfaces to look different, aged, or as if made of other materials.

    To apply for Sister Status in this department, you must provide the following:
  • Script Supervisor

    The Script Supervisor Department works with all departments on set to ensure that everything that is shot can be used by the Editor when cutting the film back into story continuity. They keep details of every shot, all action, camera details, length in time of shot, and any deviations from script. They provide slate numbers and circled prints. They keep a list of shots and wild sound owed. They provide the Production Office with a Daily Production Report, and they provide the Editor with a lined script that records all shots and a continuity report with the details of each set-up.

    To apply for Sister Status in this department, you must provide the following:
  • Set Construction

    The Set Construction Department builds sets, and alters the look of an existing location. This includes fabrication in wood, metal, foam, plastics and similar materials.

    To apply for Sister Status in this department, you must provide the following:
  • Set Decoration

    The Set Decoration Department provides all furnishings, layering in various elements to help tell the story.

    To apply for Sister Status in this department, you must provide the following:
  • Sound

    The Sound Department records all sound on set; including dialogue, wild lines, wild sounds, roomtone, and more.

    To apply for Sister Status in this department, you must provide the following:
  • Special Effects

    The Special Effects Department is in charge of any special effects on set such as explosions, fire, rain, atmosphere and smoke.

    To apply for Sister Status in this department, you must provide the following:
  • Transportation

    The Transportation Department is responsible to provide, maintain and operate all motor vehicles and trailers associated with a production. The department is responsible for safe operation of all vehicles and for timely movement of all personnel, film, equipment and supplies, as required.

    To apply for Sister Status in this department, you must provide the following:


Please review our Membership FAQs page for further details or answers to some questions. Any other questions regarding membership, requirements, or the process can be directed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

IATSE Local 849

Website design by Guild Software

Phone: 902-425-2739
Toll-Free: 1-877-425-2741



1-617 Windmill Road, 2nd Floor
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B3B 1B6

Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday - 9:00am-5:00pm AT
Saturday-Sunday - Closed