Police Identity Management Act

Nova Scotia Police Identity Management Act

In 2021 the Nova Scotia government enacted the Police Identity Management Act (PIMA) after the Portapique shooting in 2020. 

To read the full act, please click here
Additional regulations related to the act can be found here

PIMA has an impact on the film industry only when films are using specific police items that are in use by police agencies in Canada today. This means PIMA does not apply when using fictitious police items, historical items or items from police agencies from other countries, however, it is highly recommended to at least notify local law enforcement agencies when using, transporting and storing these items, even if they are fictitious, historical or from another country. 

Notification Of Dramatic Work form should be submitted when using police cruisers/vehicles, police uniforms, police badges, weapons, decorating an exterior location as a police station, emblem designs, etc. 

Please download the Notification Of Dramatic Work forms by clicking the link below.

Notice of the dramatic work must be provided 14 days before the first date of use to all of the following:
  1. the chief of police or commanding officer of the police agency in the jurisdiction where the dramatic work is to be performed;
  2. the Public Safety and Security Division of the Nova Scotia Department of Justice: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;
  3. the chief administrative officer or clerk of the municipality where the dramatic work is to be performed.
Directories for Police Agencies in Nova Scotia can be found at the two links below:

Once the notice is complete, please email copies to the appropriate parties listed above.
It is highly recommended that the PM/Coordinator are copied on all notifications.

Please note - when submitting, the notice should be no less than 2 pages total. 

Please keep a copy of the original form and email to indicate compliance if needed.

IATSE Local 849

Website design by Guild Software

Phone: 902-425-2739
Toll-Free: 1-877-425-2741

E-mail: admin@iatse849.com


1-617 Windmill Road, 2nd Floor
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B3B 1B6

Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday - 9:00am-5:00pm AT
Saturday-Sunday - Closed