
Logging In for the First Time

When you apply as a Referral, Sister Member, or Full Member with Local 849, the office processes your application. We then create your profile for you once we've received all necessary forms, certificates, and your resume. Once your profile is created, you will receive an email from IATSE Local 849 with instructions on how to login to your account.

Go to the Member Login.
LoggingIn 1

2. Click on “Logging in for the First Time?”.LoggingIn 2

3. Enter the email address that you used on your application.LoggingIn 3

4. Click on “Send Password Reset Link”.LoggingIn 4

5. Note that you’ve been sent a password reset link and that the link will only be valid for one hour.LoggingIn 5

6. Go to your email inbox.

7. Click on the message from IATSE 849, “Reset Password Notification”.LoggingIn 7

8. Click on “Reset Password”.LoggingIn 8

9. You will be brought to the Member Login.

10. Type in your email address.LoggingIn 10

11. Enter your new password.LoggingIn 11

12. Re-enter your new password.LoggingIn 12

13. Click on “Reset Password”.LoggingIn 13

14. Your password has been created.LoggingIn 14

Welcome to your IATSE Local 849 profile!


IATSE Local 849

Website design by Guild Software

Phone: 902-425-2739
Toll-Free: 1-877-425-2741

E-mail: admin@iatse849.com


1-617 Windmill Road, 2nd Floor
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B3B 1B6

Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday - 9:00am-5:00pm AT
Saturday-Sunday - Closed